Friday, August 3, 2007

Bath time is a favorite now.
Just home for a couple of hours and found her baby doll.

Big sis helping her learn the ropes.

She likes to share toys, but not mom.

Her first birthday cake.

Abby's birthday crown!

We LOVE you Abby!!

The gang all came to welcome them home.

From Sissy....

Things around the Schaefer household are quite different. Sleep is unheard of, the house is turned upside down, cheerios cover the floor, and we love every second of it...well most every second of it! Most all the family met Wednesday night to have dinner, celebrate Pappaw's birthday, and anticipate the arrival of a little girl we had all been waiting on and praying for the past 2 and a half years. I could not stand the anticipation as I waited in the airport and watched for her flight to come in. Then, after what seemed for FOREVER, I caught glimpse of Mom and Dad holding the most beautiful little thing I had ever seen! My eyes filled with tears as I saw the most precious little thing ever. I was so overcome with emotions...I had never had a sister before and instead of 9 months like most, I had waited and prayed for this one for almost 3 years. She won my heart the instant I saw her. She was a little timid at first because if you know our crew, we are a lot to handle! After being greeted by the entire family, we headed to take Abby home for good! The family had planned a surprised brithday party when we got home since we had missed her first. Mom was amazed at how well she did with eating, opening presents and playing with her family. She really likes other kids so she especially took to her cousin Kaden. We were also scared how she would take to our dog, Fancy but I must say she loves her- and Fancy really loves her because she likes to feed her! She is slowly making small strides of progress. She has taken pretty well to me (not to brag or anything... -smile-). I even got up the first morning at 5:20 when I heard noises down stairs. I'm really enjoying the sister role so of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity for playtime! Mom is still shocked at the occasions where she will play alone with me or let me bathe her while Mom gets off to get a shower or do housework. She especially loves for me to hide while she runs after me to find me. If you know my mom, it has been really fun to see our house not be in perfect order. There are bottles on the countertops, fingerprints on the glass, and even toys all over the living room floor. The sleeping schedules are off for Mom, Dad, and Abby too around here so Mom has had to do playtime in the middle of the night and some long naps in the middle of the day.

Still pray for her to take to Dad more. He hasn't been able to play with her much because he has really been under the weather. I know one day soon she will see what a very lucky girl she is to have a Daddy like him...I know I see that more and more every day. I can't begin to express how much it has meant to me to see all the comments on here, have people ask about her, and hear how much she is being prayed for. She has undergone more change the past few days, I can't even imagine! I still find myself amazed that she is actually here! Everytime she smiles, my heart melts and I thank the Lord for such a blessing. I've learned through this all that God's timing is perfect and so is His plan. He knew what little girl needed to become apart of our family. I can't wait to continue to watch her adjust and grow up in our family. I love you Abby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Brooke(Sissy) I just wanted to tell you I loved your entry. I had not checked in on the website in a week but, your entry was so heart warming and as usual I got teary eyed. It has been so thrilling for those of us to read and see all the love, joy,and happiness you all have been given with Little Miss Abby. I pray and tell others about your wonderful family. Abby is a very blessed little girl to have you and your family as her very own. She will always look up to her big Sissy you are doing a great job,Sweetie.
Love N' Prayers
Hugs N' Kisses
Carolyn Jones